Kansas Wesleyan University

千亿国际登录(Kansas Wesleyan University)的MBA课程非常适合寻求灵活就业机会的专业人士, affordable program that can help them take the next step in their career. 不管是去找一份新工作, a higher salary or a new career path entirely, KWU’s MBA can help show the way, 感谢关心, 有经验的教师.

  • 负担得起的: KWU项目的总费用为14,850美元,而研究生学位的平均费用为23,800美元. 成功完成课程的学生可以免费上最后一节课(适用于2020年夏季或以后入学的学生)!
  • 快速ROI: You can finish in as little as one calendar year.
  • 灵活: Start at the beginning of any eight-week session. 完全在线完成课程或选择一些混合选项(在晚上完成)

No GMAT is required for acceptance to the 30-hour program. 除了, 我们的体育管理重点可以提供一个进入高度竞争的体育世界的切入点, 无论是在商业上, 媒体或其他地方.


Fall 2023: August 14, October 16
Spring 2024: Jan 10, March 11

For more information, contact:

Dr. 米歇尔的情况
Chair, 业务部 and 会计
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

Levi Thomas, Director of 研究生招生
Tel: 785-833-4309 (office) OR 785-829-8120 (cell)
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statements

DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 experiences for students, faculty and staff.

Master of Business Administration
In the world of business, not everybody is the same. 因为 of this, the Department of 商业和会计以及工商管理硕士(MBA) recognizes diversity as a tremendous strength. The differences in who we are, how we 想想我们是如何合作的,我们过去和现在的经历是如何塑造我们的,还有 how we conduct business are valued, leading to an environment of inclusivity. 因为 企业的创建是为了提供有形和无形的产品来服务于每个人 商业与会计系和MBA相信包容,尊重,和 seeing the value in everyone.




1. 在工作场所评估和应用适当的道德规范和行为,以最大限度地提高效率并有效地领导他人.

2. 展示高质量的书面和口头沟通技巧,适用于业务框架内的多个受众.

3. 识别和分析成功和持续发展的业务所需的团队合作和领导技能.

4. 分析财务报表的准确性和细微差别,以做出数据驱动的决策.

5. Create and justify a strategic plan.


  1. 完整的站


  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Application form completed- 在线申请.
  • An overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 (4.0规模).
  1. 临时站

临时入学资格适用于攻读MBA学位的学生,他们的GPA没有达到“全额入学”的要求。.  If the student maintains a 3.0 in the MBA program, then the enrollment committee will upgrade their status.

作为本科生入学的高年级学生,在完成本科学位的12小时内,GPA至少为3分.0 for their last 60 hours, may apply for admission to the MBA program. If they are accepted on a “Provisional” basis, 如果他们完成了适当的本科基础课程,他们可以注册500或600级课程以获得研究生学分. 五六百级的课程不能作为本科学分.


The cost of the MBA课程 is $495 per credit hour.


学生可以从另一个认可的研究生院转学最多6个学分, if such hours are compatible with the program at Kansas Wesleyan University. Transfer hours must meet the academic time limit requirement of six years. 只有学生获得“及格/满意”或“B”或以上成绩的课程才会被接受. Students are required to complete at least 24 graduate hours from KWU.


学生应在完成学位时取得令人满意的进展,并保持研究生GPA至少为3分.0 with no grade lower than a “C”. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Students on probation who do not earn at least 3.0 the next semester will be academically dismissed. Students who earn at least 3.0 during the semester on probation, but whose cumulative GPA is still below 3.0 will continue on probation for one more semester. If the cumulative graduate GPA is still below 3.0 after this semester, they will be academically dismissed. 被开除的学生可以在下个学期重新申请,并写信给招生委员会,表明完成学位的承诺.

Students may repeat a course in which they received a grade of “C” or less. 一门课程只能重修一次,并且只有最后的成绩才会被用来计算学生的GPA. However, both grades will be recorded on their transcript. 被留校察看的学生应该考虑重修那些成绩较低的课程.


虽然希望在一年内完成的学生必须每八周上两节课, students can take only one class. Please discuss with the Program Director about what is best for your situation. 每学期修读6学时或以上的学生将被视为全日制学生.


MBA课程必须在修完第一门课程后的六年内完成,以获得研究生学分, exclusive of active duty in the armed forces of the United States. Exceptions may be made upon appeal to the Graduate Council.

在秋季和春季学期保持连续入学的学生可以通过满足他们第一次入学时有效的研究生学分或任何后续目录的要求毕业. 其他学生必须在重新注册或任何后续目录时满足有效的目录要求. 所选目录的结束日期在完成学位时不得超过6年. 来自不同目录的部分可能不会用于满足学位要求. 课程剩余时间超过6小时的学生不得参加毕业典礼.


工商管理硕士课程坚持大学的学术诚信政策. 研究生课程的所有成员都将保持较高的智力和道德标准

  • 任何违反大学学术诚信政策的行为都可能导致一项或多项行动:
  • Fail work, fail examinations
  • 研究生课程不及格
  • Dismissal from the MBA课程 and the University for one semester
  • Dismissal from the MBA课程 indefinitely

The graduate student has the right to an appeal of these penalties. 上诉程序概述在大学的学术欺诈处罚上诉程序中, on page 28 of the university catalog.


Looking to further your career? Want to learn more about human resources, economics or entrepreneurship? The general MBA track is right for you!


BUSA 575 Organization Management
BUSA 625 Production and Operation Management
BUSA 622 Managerial Finance
BUSA 570 Marketing Management


ACCT 625 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 630 会计 for Decision and Control
BUSA 535创业
BUSA 545 Human Resources Development
BUSA 550 Dynamics of Professional Communication
BUSA 555 Behavior in the Workplace
BUSA 560领导力 & 商业道德
BUSA 565 Legal Environment of Business
BUSA 580 Content Marketing
BUSA 605 Statistical Analysis for Business
BUSA 630商务研讨会
ECON 640 Managerial Economics
BUSA 650 Master’s Project Research

MBA课程 – Sport Management Emphasis

Looking to work in the world of sports? An MBA from Kansas Wesleyan, with an emphasis in Sports Management, can help! 许多获得体育管理MBA学位的学生都在专业体育行业找到了工作, 比如EPL, 大联盟, NBA, 国家橄榄球联盟, NHL和PGA, as well as at many colleges and universities. 在KWU, you will learn to run a sports business with knowledge in marketing, 金融, HR, leadership and the required, fast-paced decision making.

BUSA 575 Organization Management
BUSA 625 Decision Analysis
BUSA 622 Managerial Finance
BUSA 570 Marketing Management

BUSA 620 Contemporary Issues in Sports
BUSA 590 Sports Communication and Public Relations